I am the expert on my own life. You are the expert on yours.
I love being a student of Financial Psychology & Behavioral Finance at @creighton1878 🤓 because the entire program embraces that truth—clients are the experts on their lives.
🚫I will never make your financial goals for you.
👎🏼I will never tell you how you should or shouldn’t spend your money.
🙅🏻♂️I will never assume to know how you desire your relationship with money to feel.
✨Those things are entirely and sacredly yours.
My role will always be:
🧘🏽To exist with you while you welcome money into your realm of mindfulness, even if it feels scary, shameful or forbidden.
🪁To help you explore your wide array of options when you feel stuck.
❣️To listen as you surface and clarify your own desires.
🗺 To play mapmaker with you as you imagine paths you might take to reach your own financial goals.
I trust you to know what you want for your life. And if a healthy relationship with money can help you get there, I’m here for it!